Summer Ember Days

During our Summer Ember Days, Father Byrd will hear confessions from 11 am to 11:45 am before the Noon Masses on Wednesday, May 22, and Friday, May 24, in addition to our regularly scheduled Saturday confession on May 25 at 3:30 pm to 4:25 pm.
Remember the Embers—Prayer, Penance & Fasting!

By tradition, there are four times a year called Ember Days, when Catholics pray, do penance, or fast/work for the poor.       Observance of these days is encouraged because they are great times of seasonal change when Catholics can voluntarily pause and reflect on the Lord’s mercy and call for conversion. We invite all who are interested to make these days special in some way. Father Byrd will hear confessions from 11 am to 11:45 am before the noon Masses on Wednesday, May 22, and Friday, May 24, in addition to our regularly scheduled Saturday confession on May 25 from 3:30 pm to 4:25 pm. Even if you cannot come to Mass or go to confession, you can mark the Ember Days in your own way: fasting from one meal, praying for our confused world, and thanking God for his great mercy as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Messiah!

To learn more, watch the video below:


Great Vigil of Pentecost | May 18 at 7pm

The Great Vigil of Pentecost Saturday, May 18 at 7 pm

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 18th, as we will offer a rare opportunity for Catholics to attend
an extended Great Vigil of Pentecost that evening at 7 pm. This extended Great Vigil of Pentecost comes with a few more readings and reflects the solemnity of this holy feast that closes out Paschal tide. Just as our Lady, the Apostles, and other disciples were assembled in the Upper Room of the Cenacle 2000 years ago, we will assemble for prayers and readings to mark the anniversary of the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. This extraordinary liturgy, rarely done anywhere, will eclipse our routinely scheduled ordinary 5 pm Saturday Mass that weekend. In ages past, the Great Vigil of Pentecost would have been a time for baptisms and confirmations, commemorating St. Peter’s baptism of 3000 souls in Jerusalem at that first Pentecost.


Women’s Guild Game Night & Social

Women’s Guild May Meeting
Game Night and Social
Monday, May 13
7 pm | St. Joseph’s Hall

All women of the parish are invited to our May meeting. Play some games, socialize, eat, and have some fun! This will be our last meeting before the Summer. Sandwiches will be provided. Please bring a side or dessert to share. Join us!


Mary’s Moms: Raising Future Saints

Welcome to Mary’s Moms!
Inspired by our Blessed Mother, we celebrate the privilege of raising our families to heaven through a support system of moms at Mary Our Queen. We provide meet-ups such as Rosary & Rosé and Moms & Muffins to share the joys and struggles of motherhood.


ROSARY & ROSÉ because even Mary prayed for wine.
Held on the Third Thursday of the month at 7 PM in the Cenacle room of the Trinity building. Bring your rosary and a snack to share.
Please RSVP HERE for Thursday, May 16

MOMS & MUFFINS because motherhood loves company.
Second and Fourth Tuesdays in the Youth Lounge from 10 AM-12 PM . Come enjoy a snack and a playdate. Children 5 and under. Coffee and toys are provided.


Save the date for MOMosa’s Morning Out on July 20th from 10AM-12PM.
Connect with other moms at our parish for a potluck brunch and enjoy food uninterrupted.

Save the date for Mary’s Birthday Party on September 8th after the 11AM mass.
Mary’s Moms and the Village welcome you to sing happy birthday to Mary. Bring your rosary and a dish for a potluck lunch as we celebrate Mary’s birthday with blessings and sweets.

Any questions email

Join our mailing list to be updated on future events and meet-ups:

Have a question for us? Ask in the space below.

Sunday Coffee Ministry

We provide Coffee and Light Breakfast options to parishioners and visitors after the 8:30 AM Mass on Sundays. Our goal is to give people a chance to connect with old and new friends, promoting community and fellowship.

We are looking for a few volunteers to help with an easy setup for our upcoming Sunday coffees. If you are interested in helping, please sign up here.

Come to the Table Ministry

Come to the Table

Come to the Table is a chance to get to know one another better by sharing a meal. It is a way for the adult members of our church to meet other people in the church in an informal home setting.

How it works:

For each round of Come to the Table, groups are formed combining couples and singles for a meal at a host’s home. Group sizes are usually eight but can be 6 or 10 depending on what the hosts can accommodate. This size ensures that the group is large enough to meet new people and small enough for all to be involved in conversation.

Hosts will contact the people assigned to their group to arrange a date that works for all starting in April. Get togethers will be scheduled every other month.

Once a date is established, participants agree on what they will bring to the dinner. These dinners are not intended to be gourmet events, they are gatherings to get to know one another better so any level of culinary expertise is welcome!

How to get involved:

Getting involved is as easy as providing some simple information on the form below including whether you are willing to host. You can join as a single, a couple or a couple of friends who enjoy spending time together. Non-Catholic spouses or friends are absolutely a welcome part of these dinners.

Please join us for our fun gatherings by submitting the form below.

Coffeehouse Catholics Adult Faith Formation Series

ALL PARISH ADULTS are welcome to the “Coffeehouse” after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. We invite all parish adults to enjoy coffee and refreshments, followed by a presentation in Saint Joseph’s Hall. Presenters and topics vary. At times, we will have a series of talks; at others, we will offer a talk or discussion on a specific issue.
We also invite ALL PARENTS of the parish to join us once a month to discuss how to approach tough topics with your kids in today’s culture. This year, in Parent Faith Formation, we will use Pope Saint John Paul II’s work, Theology of the Body, to understand how to approach specific issues surrounding human dignity and sexuality with our kids. We will discuss issues such as modesty, dating, gender dysphoria, and pornography. These are difficult but important conversations, and we hope all parish parents will join us.

Adult and Parent Faith Formation
MAY TOPIC: Overview of Islam
Sunday, May 12
9:30am in St. Joseph’s Hall

Fr. Byrd will give an overview presentation on the subject of Islam, which is growing in the west and is at the center of the geo-political challenges our world faces year after year. What should we know about this religion? The subject is complex, but we hope to look briefly at the origins of Islam and review some of its fundamental claims.

Click HERE for the 2024 Parent and Adult Faith Formation Calendar 

Walking with Purpose | Women’s Bible Study

We are eager to get back to community—back to our Bible study and community of friends who encourage us to become the image of God! You are welcome here.

JOIN US IN SEPTEMBER 2024: We will begin a new study, Discovering Our Dignity.

Women of the Old and New Testaments were as flawed and broken as we can be, yet the power of God worked in their lives. Discovering Our Dignity will allow you to learn from their experiences and uncover ways to deal with unwanted circumstances and deferred hopes. Click here for our 2024-2025 Schedule.

Enjoy the Discovering our Dignity playlist on Spotify:

Interested in joining us? REGISTER THROUGH FORM BELOW

Questions? Please contact us through the registration form below and submit. We will follow up with you either by email or phone.

Walking with Purpose Registration Form

    Small group leaders are essential for our Bible Study. You will be given a small group leader's guide and the lesson answers will be reviewed together before each lesson (at a convenient time determined by leaders).
    Occasionally, we need a substitute small group leader. As a sub teacher, you will be given the small group leader's guide and the lesson answers will be reviewed together before each lesson (at a convenient time determined by leaders).

Prime Diners: A NEW Senior Fellowship Ministry

Seniors, Join Us for Lunch! Make new friends and help build community among parish seniors. Prime Diners meets on the third Monday of each month for a shared meal and socializing. There’s a seat at the table for YOU! (Summer hiatus: June-July-August).

Hungry for the company of fellow seniors? Want to get to know more people at Mary Our Queen? Join our next Prime Diners gathering from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the dates below.

Next gathering:
Cookout Celebration!
Monday, May 20
11:30 am-1:30 pm
Let’s fire up the grill and celebrate Season 1 of Prime Diners! Join us in St. Joseph’s Hall for a cookout lunch with all the fixings. Practice your Corn Hole toss for the summer. Bring ideas for Season 2, starting in September.
• $10 per person at the door – CASH ONLY, please.
• RSVP a must by May 17th for Cookout participants.
• Prefer to pack your lunch and bring it? No problem; no charge; no RSVP needed.
• Friends welcome.

Please let us know if you have any questions and RSVP for the lunch you will attend through the form below:
